Condenser Cleaning

Condenser Cleaning.MOV

Video Transcript

Cleaning the outdoor condenser of your air conditioner or heat pump is important homeowner maintenance that should be completed monthly while your site has active construction.

Begin by turning off the power switch for your furnace, if it’s not labeled this is a good opportunity to do so. 

Then, turn off the breaker for your air conditioner or heat pump.

Once outside, spray at a downward angle to loosen pollen or dust that has accumulated on your air conditioner during construction. This should be done on all sides and will allow for proper function and efficiency of the unit. 

To allow for proper diagnostic during air conditioner service, this cleaning should be performed by the homeowner before any air conditioner service is requested, as the unit being dirty may impact the ability to service it. 

Once spraying from the inside has been completed, you can move to spraying the unit from the outside at an upward angle through the horizontal fins to remove any dust or pollen that was inaccessible with the other method. 

This should be completed on all sides of the unit to allow for full airflow. 

Once done, turn your furnace power switch back on, and then turn back on your air conditioner or heat pump breaker. 

Once there is no longer active site construction, this could be done 1-3 times seasonally, depending on the amount of dust and pollen in your area. 

If decreased efficiency in your air conditioner or heat pump is noticed, this cleaning should be performed before any service is requested.

Additionally, your furnace filter should be changed monthly in order to allow for the optimal amount of airflow for your system.